Saturday, 22 March 2014

Selenium Course Content:

1. Unit I- Introduction

 Chapter 1- Introduction to Selenium - Part I
There are different software development models and in each there is a distinct role of testing. In each of these there are challenges associated with manual testing and hence there are different needs of test automation.

Chapter 2- Introduction to Selenium - Part II View Free Chapter
Selenium is considered to be one of the best automation tool around for test automation of web applications. It has been over the years that it has eveloved and matured into a robust tool used world over. There are various important pieces of it like IDE, RC, Grid and WebDriver.

2. Unit II- Selenium IDE and related areas

 Chapter 3- Installing and Testing with Selenium IDE
First piece of Selenium ot get started with is Selenium IDE. Its very simple to install to install. Once installed, one can easily start creating and running testcases and testsuites.

Chapter 4- Basic introduction to HTML
Most of the front end piece of web application are written in HTML. In the automation scripts various elments of web pages are grabbed using the information given in the HTML file of the rendered page. Hence, a basic knowledge of HTML is essential to work on web application testing.

Chapter 5- Some useful tools
There are lot of tools which are of use to tester while writing Selenium automation scripts. They are like Firebug, Web Developer and DOM inspector.

Chapter 6- UI Features of Selenium IDE
The Selenium IDE provides lot of UI features to enable testers to use the tool effectively.  It has things like basic menus and toolbar, viewing area for testcases and testsuites, section to give details about various selenium commands, logs of scripts running etc.

Chapter 7- Selenium commands -'SELENESE'
The scripts works on the various elements of the web page throuhh certain commands. These Selenium commands are generally referred to as 'Selenese'.  There are a lot of different commands for different activities to be done with respect to the application under test.

Chapter 8- Element Locators
In order to access different elements of the application under test , selenium provides the facility of using element locators. Locating different elements on a web page is essential part of writing the automation scripts.

Chapter 9- Pattern Matching
Starting from the root of the page the element can reached following a certain path. The paths to these elements on the web page can have different patterns. It may be a full path or a partial path. Selenium provides a mechanism of pattern matching to specify these paths in the test scripts.

Chapter 10- Basic introduction to Javascript & Using Javascript in Selenium
Selenium supports scripting languages like Javascript. You can include javascript these in your test scripts. But, in order to use it, it is essential to understand basics about it. A quick introduction to Javascript is sufficient to get started.

3.Unit III- Selenium RC and related areas

 Chapter 11- Introduction to Selenium RC
Selenium RC is another piece of Selenium and provide a mechanism for scripts wriiten in different languages to interact with application under test in different browsers. RC helps to increase the test coverage immensely. Getting is installed and up and running is very easy.

Chapter 12- Running test using Selenium C
After having setup Selenium, its time to run tests using Selenium RC. Selenium RC provides different client libraries to enable writing test scripts in different programming languages. It also, provides mechanism to invoke different browsers like IE, Chrome etc.

Chapter 13- Quick introduction to Eclipse and Java
One of the most popular language in which automation tests are written is Java and the corresponding popular IDE is Eclipse. A basic working knoweldge of eclipse is required to start using this tool and write test scripts.

Chapter 14- Quick introduction to JUnit
For writing testcases using Java using Eclipse, a pupular test framework in JUnit. Junit enables using test fixtures provided by it to ease writing and running test scripts. Hence, it is important to understand about this framework.

Chapter 15- Creating and running Selenium JUnit tests
Once having setup Junit, it is time to create and run test scripts. Through eclipse it becomes quite convenient to get to use Junit in projects.

Chapter 16- Quick introduction to TestNG & Creating and running Selenium TestNG tests
Another powerful test framework is TestNG. It has some very useful features which enables running tests in parallel on multiple machines and thereby helps in drastically reducing overall test execution time. TestNG can be setup inside eclipse and then it canb used for creating and writing test scripts.

4.Unit IV- Selenium Grid

 Chapter 17- Introduction and Setting Selenium Grid
Another important piece of Selenium tool family is Selenium Grid.  Setting up which test machines with different ennviroment to achieve more coverage is essential part of test delivery. Selenium Grid provide a mechanism to achieve the same.

Chapter 18- Running serial and parallel tests using Selenium Grid
One way to run tests is in a serial way. However, another way to run them is to run them in parallel on different machines with respective environments. Combination of Selenium Grid and TestNG gives a good way to achieve the objective. 

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